Ep 64 | Ariel Kaye

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Why Having No Experience Can Help You in Business

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Ariel Kaye is the Founder and CEO of Parachute, a direct-to-consumer home essentials brand.

After spending a decade in advertising and brand development, Ariel was yearning to do something more. She always considered herself a home and interior design enthusiast, describing herself as a super consumer of home goods, but she struggled to find a single brand that was affordable, high quality, and easy to shop. That’s when she saw a gap in the market and knew she had the perfect skills to create the company she was looking for.

She took some money out of her savings and booked a one-way ticket to Europe in search of a factory. After bombarding 15 factories, she learned about craftsmanship when it came to bedding and sheets, got pricing, and came back home, ready to disrupt the industry. She spent around a year developing the brand, raising small amounts from friends and family, and then launched Parachute in January 2014.

In our conversation, we talk about Ariel’s “aha” moment when she realized she had to leave her successful career to start her company, the benefits that come with being a first time entrepreneur in an industry where you have zero experience, how she built a strong foundation with her customers and brand from day 1, and so much more.

Show Notes:

  • How her parents supported Ariel to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. [2:40]

  • The common thread of storytelling and connection in her advertising career that carried over into Parachute. [3:58]

  • The moment Ariel realized that she had to leave her job in order to start a company. [5:25]

  • Hear more about the early days of Parachute and what Ariel’s initial steps were. [7:37]

  • What her experience of finding a factory and learning about supply chains was like. [10:23]

  • How she funded the first year of her business using loans from friends and family. [14:01]

  • Ariel shares some of the tools and resources that helped her as a solo founder. [16:25]

  • The benefits of finding a community of entrepreneurs that are still connected to the stage of the journey that you are currently in. [17:49]

  • Where Ariel believes her resilience comes from; using challenges as fuel for the fire. [18:54]

  • Ariel’s advice for entrepreneurs raising capital: take every opportunity to pitch your business and receive feedback. [20:58]

  • Find out how her passion and conviction as a founder helped her get her first yes. [23:36]

  • What Ariel wishes she knew about capital when she started her fundraising process. [25:07]

  • How she created brand awareness by leaning on public relations for the launch. [27:18]

  • What self-care looks like for Ariel and why she promotes the value of taking breaks. [29:07]

  • Why Ariel says that there is no such thing as perfection; it’s all about momentum. [32:13]

  • Some of the biggest growth inflection and hiring challenges Ariel has encountered along the way and how she overcame them. [35:44]

  • Which superpower she is most proud of: trusting her gut and her intuition. [37:19]

  • Ariel’s definition of wealth: health and happiness. [38:20]

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